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"The Brueckmann-Method – Tangible ways in fantasy worlds" by Udo Brückmann, 120 pages,

ISBN 978-3-7534-8291-0, selling price/print edition

7, 90 EUR, E-Book 4, 99 EUR

(The price may differ in other currencies.)



seven fantasy worlds, selection:

1. the space adventure

2. the underwater world

3. the time machine

4. the oasis in the desert

5. the mystical labyrinth

6. the training to become a magician

7. the tree of life in the rainforest

Meet your coach! - - - Udo Brückmann


Is there something in your life where you feel unfulfilled? Do you have a problem and don't know how to find a solution? I can help you to help yourself, so that your life improves holistically. The interactive coaching method that bears my name combines the creative power of free imagination with elements from quantum healing and light breathing. As a "Bridge-Man" (German "Brück-Mann"), i.e. someone who builds spiritual bridges, I would like to support you to reach a higher state of consciousness - with creativity, a thirst for adventure and the curiosity to discover yourself and the feeling of freedom again. Duration: preliminary discussion/preparation about an hour and implementation about an hour on two different days. Total price: 100 EUR.


By the way, it is not necessary for you to tell me your concern or problem; you can choose to keep it to yourself. This will not affect the result.




As an author of imaginative stories and having dealt with consciousness and quantum healing for years, it is my aim to combine these areas in my coaching sessions. Free imagination is the highest creative power that is available to every person without restriction. If you activate and combine this power with intuition, inspiration, the inner voice or your "gut feeling", an all-encompassing source of creativity and miracles opens up, which provides the answers to all questions and reaches far beyond. People themselves become creative beings as part of a universal whole. This can sometimes also happen in dreams, but the subconscious is at work there, so that the dreamed events usually remain only a vague memory and cannot have any effect in reality. The coaching sessions are therefore about establishing a conscious connection in order to simultaneously draw the focus away from the mind and ego and finally direct it to the heart. This is not a classic meditation, but rather a mental accompaniment to fantastic worlds that you determine yourself in a previously made selection. More on that in a moment. A near-death experience at the age of 19 (in 1986 after a neglected infection) changed my life forever. After all, I was outside my body for a while at the time! What I observed from outside couldn't be me, so life itself had to involve much more complex matters: More than just the three dimensions of our material world and perception. Since then, I have been studying many great consciousness teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Louise Hay, Lynne McTaggart, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ulrich Warnke and Kurt Tepperwein.



Selection of the seven fantasy worlds


Before we can begin together, you decide personally and according to your preference which "fantasy world" you would like to move in interactively during the mental coaching. There are seven fantasy worlds to choose from:


1. The space adventure

You are traveling somewhere in the universe with your spaceship... Perhaps you will discover alien planets or completely new forms of life? Or are you the messenger of a secret but very important mission?


2. the underwater world

No one has ever been to the deepest depths of the sea before you. What is the story behind the silver underwater city and its mysterious towers? Who will welcome you there in your aqua capsule? Is it a mermaid?


3. the time machine

Enter the desired year and location, buckle up and press "Start"... Where will the journey take you? To your own childhood or perhaps to the Middle Ages - or even to a distant future? Who will you meet?


4. the oasis in the desert

In the middle of the infinity of the yellow sand desert, you are stranded in a lush oasis where there is a mysterious wishing well... What wishes will be granted there? Or will you move on with a caravan?


5. the mystical labyrinth

This labyrinth with its unimagined dimensions is already waiting for you to enter it... Are you alone? Which beings will show you the right way to find the great dragon? What does he have to say?


6. the training to be a magician

As a magician's apprentice, you face great challenges... But can you really handle the powers of magic? What will your final exam look like? And what will you achieve in your world afterwards?


7. the tree of life in the rainforest

The community that you discover or in which you live, including its dwellings, is located on a huge tree... Is it an existence in a green paradise? Or are enemies from outside invading you that you have to defend yourself against?


The following applies to all seven worlds of experience: There are no limits to your imagination and free spirit!


There is a Youtube video, but only in German language:





This Coaching is about consciously gaining insights about yourself. This can be the solution to a problem, the removal of a blockage, the overcoming of an obstacle, the missing spark for an initial ignition or the restoration of the inner balance, which is often in an imbalance. As a coach and empathetic person, I am the mediator who figuratively points to "open gates", to unimagined possibilities that become visible during the coaching. New perspectives can change your life for the better in just an instant. Although I take you mentally by the hand on the paths you can experience, you are and remain the main character in your individual story. Be open to surprises and unforeseeable twists and turns! This does not mean that a supposedly negative event is necessarily in the foreground. Positive circumstances, such as fame and social standing as a permanent fulfillment of public expectations, can also completely throw life out of balance! I have had similar experiences with actors and actresses, for example. Of course, I never mention names in public, as this is not just a service, but also a great trust that must always be maintained. The trust applies to every age and every social position, and absolute discretion is maintained. What I am not as a coach - and I ask you to internalize this - is a medically and psychologically trained advisor. If you have serious health problems, such as the treatment of depression, you should therefore consult an appropriate specialist. Making diagnoses or recommending therapies or medical measures is not my area of expertise. Likewise, I do not follow any particular religion, political direction or ideology; the focus is solely on the human element - as well as the possibility of using your own, universal creative power in the spirit of the free spirit and making it individually experienceable. The prerequisite: You should be a visual person and have a good imagination. Sometimes patience is also required, because the desired results cannot be forced. The method does not work if you have base intentions (manipulating other people, etc.). The success and working with the method also depends on the extent to which you are willing to meet yourself and look at yourself inside.




The basis for the coaching sessions, which are usually carried out on the phone, is a comfortable, undisturbed place and an upright, relaxed posture. Your normal everyday life is definitely on hold. Instead, an adventure holiday awaits you! (Note: Your phone should have a hands-free function or headphones.) First, the so-called "two-point method" from the practice of quantum healing is used. This is extremely simple, but very effective for entering a higher consciousness outside of the rational mind and ego. "Quantum healing" is a procedure for holistically releasing blocked energies. For me, quantum physics is also a basis for this. In the following, the conscious perception of your own breath is the ticket to the conscious experience of your spiritual fantasy world. A technique of "light breathing" is used, i.e. you "create" your exact double in your imagination, but it consists entirely of light! This "light body" will accompany you as your silent twin through the fantastic world you have chosen. You will of course find out all the necessary details about the exact process before and during the coaching. By the way, it is not necessary for you to tell me your problem or concern; you can also keep it to yourself.


Note: "The Brueckmann-Method - Tangible ways in fantasy worlds" is legally protected by both copyright and a notarial certification dated March 23, 2021 (Dinklage, State of Lower Saxony/declaration roll).


Price and payment


The fee for my service is 100 EUR for individual coaching on the phone, preliminary discussion about one hour, implementation about one hour. A preliminary discussion takes place a few days before the actual coaching. Payment is made conveniently by bank transfer. The corresponding IBAN and BIC number of my account can be found on an electronic invoice in the form of a PDF file, which I will send you by email after the coaching has been completed. Also in paper form on request. If you book further sessions, you will receive an invoice for the respective month as a PDF file or in paper form. A postal address is required in any case, as this must be stated in the letterhead of the invoice above the salutation. The fees are properly taxed in Germany.


Contact and booking


To arrange an appointment, click on the "Contact" tab/header in the menu above. There you will find a contact form with three fields to fill in: your name, your email address and your message if applicable, with the details of the fantasy world you have chosen. The security code provided serves as spam protection. You can also contact me directly via my email address (GMX), which you can also find under "Contact". The basis for contacting me in both cases - via the contact form or the email address - is the legal notice. We will then agree on a suitable telephone appointment together. If you are unable to keep the appointment, a short message is sufficient. There are no costs involved. Information can also be obtained via the corresponding Facebook page:

Please only make bookings via the contact form on this website or by email! I can be reached on my mobile phone or via a landline. (I don't think Skype is suitable for my coaching sessions.) For calls from abroad: The country code for Germany is 0049 or +49. Then omit the first zero from the area code. Note for mobile phone users: The European Union abolished roaming charges in 2019, significantly reducing the cost of phone calls.


The WhatsApp or Signal telephone function is also available as a free alternative!


Additional offer


As a classic coaching option, there is an additional option on offer for anyone who wants to use their time better and more effectively, namely TIME MANAGEMENT. Also for companies as part of management consultancy! The seven best methods are available to choose from: the Pareto principle, the Priority matrix, the ABC analysis, the Eisenhower principle, the ALPEN method, the SMART method and Kiss the Frog.


Legal notice/ disclaimer: My coaching serves both as entertainment and as a source of self-knowledge. Every person is autonomous and responsible for himself/ herself and cannot transfer this responsibility to other persons, especially not to me as a mental coach.

My coaching is a confidential advisory activity as a special service, a help for self-help. This activity, for which I accept no liability, is never the same as specialist medical consultations. In the case of physical or mental illnesses of any kind. If you have serious health problems or existing risks,please contact your doctor.



That's all: Let's get started!





Udo Brückmann, born 1967, lives as a mental coach, writer and teacher for German language in Lower Saxony, in the north of Germany. After graduating from high school relocation to Berlin in the divided city 1987, university studies of philosophy and history of art, various activities for stage, film and television (Deutsche Oper Berlin, Studio Babelsberg etc.) Training as a city guide in Potsdam, education in scenic writing and screenwriting (Syd Field, Blake Snyder). Home care of the seriously ill parents; those were the most important years for learning about life. Later pedagogical training for inclusion and integration, teaching German language for refugees from war zones plus psychological care. Journalistic experiences, traveling around the world, confrontation with quantum physics, quantum healing and spirituality since three decades, coaching according to the Brueckmann-Method are part of it as a universal connection between physical and spiritual world. Personal note: It all began when I was a child with the fact that I noticed in elementary school that I can perceive the human aura brightly. - Work as published author: satirical detective novels, historical novel, fantasy and fairy tales, short stories and poetry; poetry for children/ WDR radio Cologne.

For the publisher Geest Verlag the novels "Zirkus Konzentrazani" / "Circus Camponi" (together with Dr. Volker Hedemann about the background of the famous "Moorsoldatenlied", first concentration camp Börgermoor 1933), "Ewig blüht das Leben" / "Life blooms forever" (detective novel as a social satire on the subject of immortality, fictional background is the herbal medicine of Hildegard von Bingen as well as the alchemical spagyric according to Paracelsus), "Mords-Hochschule - Bildung für alle" / "Murder College - Education for Everyone" (detective novel as a satirical consideration of German pedagogy with a sociopolitical background) and the fantasy novel "Tim und das Geheimnis der siebten Kreuzkugel"/ "Tim and the Secret of the Seventh Cross Ball" (about following the inner voice, trusting in one's own abilities, about the phenomena of "energy" and "time" - in a union of the ancient cultures of Egypt and Tibet) were created between 2013 and 2022. - 2020 collaboration on the fairy tale project "BroOma" by Dutch-German actress and voice over artist Frauke Poolman, contributions for Youtube and several podcast providers. Poems collection "Gedanken aus Licht" / "Thoughts from Light" 2014 on the subject of spirituality and consciousness.

My work as a German teacher also included a training for an English-speaking film actor who had to speak a German accent for his role in front of the camera.




ENGLISH VERSION: "The Brueckmann-Method – Tangible ways in fantasy worlds", book publication on my own coaching method in the range of spiritual life, consciousness and mental health based on quantum healing, 120 pages, Books on Demand, Norderstedt (Germany), Paperback, ISBN 978-3-7534-8291-0


Free imagination – our fantasy – is the highest creative power that is available to every human being without restriction. If you activate and combine this power with intuition, inspiration, the inner voice or the gut feeling an all-encompassing source of creativity and wonder opens up, which provides the answers to all questions and goes far beyond. Man himself becomes a creator as part of a universal whole. This can sometimes also happen in dreams, but only the subconscious acts there, so that the dreamed events usually only remain a vague memory and cannot effect anything in reality.


The coaching is therefore about establishing a conscious connection in order to distract the focus from rational mind and ego and finally to direct it into the heart.


The Brueckmann-Method combines free imagination inside mental accompaniments with elements from quantum healing and light breathing exercises.



Reading example:


One day I wondered, how it can be possible to use one's own dreams in such a way that, after waking up, one can remember exactly all the details in order to understand the messages from the dream world and thus from the subconscious, and to gain the corresponding insights from them. The answer is: Not at all. Each of us will always be just the dreamer, who does not remember his dreams or only remembers them a little. Everything melts away in fragments between your fingers and is simply gone again. Likewise, it makes no sense to reprogram or reorient the subconscious in an elaborate manner, if the results remain unsatisfactory. Even lucid dreaming or "clear dreams" – you dream and are aware that you dream – are insufficient for me, because the desired results are just random.


My coaching method, on the other hand, shows the user the possibility of bringing the mostly inaccessible dream world of our free fantasy, which largely affects the subconscious in sleep, into conscious reality in order to make it interactively experienceable there. Even more: The method is about getting into a higher consciousness and thus into a reality that is far superior to our three-dimensional existence.


So that this state of knowledge can be reliably achieved, elements from quantum healing are used, combined with a special way of "light breathing", with which you create your double, your "light twin".

 The Brueckmann-Method wants to help you to discover your creative nature, comprehend it holistically and use it positively. Not in theory, but in practice – for a better life according to your very personal needs and standards.


Contents, chapters: - Foreword, - Introduction, - The seven fantasy worlds, - What energy means, - Notes for your safety, - Intention and goal, - About the breath and the light-twin, - Quantum physics and quantum healing, - Synchronize your hands, - The method in practice, - Check the result, - The matrix, - In the here and now, - Book recommendations, - About the author, - Note of thanks



Online order


"The Brueckmann-Method – Tangible ways in fantasy worlds" by Udo Brückmann, 120 pages, ISBN 978-3-7534-8291-0, selling price/ print edition 7, 90 EUR, E-Book 4, 99 EUR (The price may differ in other currencies.)















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